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Friday, October 10, 2008

hey i've changed my blog to a new url....
will be updating there from now on=)
do relink me okie!!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

i was workin 5 - 10.30 today.
at runner station was tiring.
a bit of cock up here and there.
no mood to work today lo.

after work went home straight coz i wasnt feeling hungry.
on my way back, i met a guy, whom i saw quite oftenly near my place, and we did exchanged our msn..
till now i cant believe it.
me and a total-stranger suddenly started talkin just like that..
hmmm...its quite unbelievable to me eh..
but anyway really nice to meet/know u, jingcheng.
hmmm he told me he came over to sakae to eat last week but i didnt saw him..
mayb i was busy.

gtg rest now=)
good nite=)
sweet dreams!
(btw jasmine, cant wait to c u again!wahaha)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

today working 11 full again..

the first thing i went to work was BEN MC!
i was quite angry bcoz only me and sharon were running about to do takeaway, dine-in custs..
by 12noon only me sharon and junjie working only.
both me and sharon ask our manager(jerine) if she asked any staff working at 1.45pm to come in early to help out. she told us she did.
those working at 1.45pm were ah wah, joey and xiaoyen.
till bout 1pm le, still i don c anyone.
so i went to ask my manager again.
she still insist that she did call ppl to come earlier..
but little did i know until i went to ask the 3 of them and found out they wasnt called to come work earlier!
damn.. what a liar!
i don think i will choose to believe her words in the future lo.
haiz.. disappointed with such management people....
hmmm then me and sharon and jjie really very angry and pissed off....
coz manager stayed at cashier most of the time.(mayb is sort office thingy and IT thinggy bah)
i don understand y its so hard to make a call for less than 30secs....
so only we 3 run ard till 1.45pm come lo..
at least if tommy, he will call staff come earlier to help lo..

at nite worked back with sharon and john..
damn slack lo which is great=)
me and sharon had fun and party at the back..
oh ya the new miso soup is very nice!
at nite exchange side job with jjie again....
after work home sweet home=)

goin out tml=)

Monday, September 15, 2008

today offday = restday=)

actually wanna go out just now for a while de.
but too lazy le...
so i stayed at home and rot lo.
relax day=)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

the 4rd day of 11full=)

afternoon shift: runner
i was doing runner with yen and joey.
quite busy during peak hour but still we are alright lo=)
hhad fun and nice running=)
got lots of takeaway then yen see le oso sian.
she whole day do takeaway lo....

night shift: back
work with mayi, kaishin and celeste at back today=)
so happy.
at first everythin at back went smoothly....
until runner jam, kaishin went in to help, the rest of the 3 of us keep rushing orders and runnig about..
so end up our station very messy lo.
we should hav look after our station first before helping runner..
coz ended up we were all becoming luan liao.
but tonight really busy and i sweating lo..
although tiring but at least got 3 of them same station as me so at least hav fun lo.

after work c le schedule then realise got one day cut to half le.
coz they cutting cost i guess..
quite sian la but cant help it lo..
hope to find a event job that last for 2 to 3 days de lo to earn back the money=)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

today workin 11full=)
the 3rd full day=)

afternoon shift: back.
i was working back with siao ping and zen.
i remembered jerine planned on tues that was 3 of us runner in the afternoon today.
but now she shifted us to the back station.
more relaxing bah=)
before back opened, i was lookin the the floor plan.
at the same time joey and jerine walk over and say dunno what lo..
then jerine say 'if joey don wan runner, wan go out, then ask agnes go in lo. since she like runner so much.'
wa when i hear le i feel quite offended lo.
why must she as a manager say till like that.
if she thinks that i like to be at the runner station then y not plan me in? rather than talk all the useless rubbish?
i just don understand.
hack care her lo.
anyway she also always plan me at service floor de.
i oso hack care. runner more tiring lo.

at back: wa i damn f***in pissed off.
plan 3 person work back, in the end only i 1 person and jasmine do back only lo.
somemore jas is dunno don hav schedule then come work halfday de.
if not what? i 1 person die at the back ar?
siaoping and zen stayed at center.
worse still, halfway ask ping go do cashier, and zen runner..
wa fuck eh.
plan le then only i and jas both hug together do back orh.
actually i oso a bit angry with siaoping and zen lo.
if u noe u 2 do back y don come to the back station?
even when i nv call for help doesnt mean u all don need come over ma.
i really damn pissed off with them and jerine lo.
plan them back but pull them all away to other station + they do back nv auto come to the back.
useless floor plan!

night shift: center
i in the morning already guess at nite i sure work center de.
wa bingo.
toto also not so accurate.
im doin with junjie only.
then he say wa in the afternoon do runner tiring then at nite also only 2 person do center and need to run like hell again orh. when 3 ppl work center he doesnt hav a share. but if 2 ppl, he will hav the chance to suffer.
i just laugh lo.
but i tell him nvm lo, we 2 can de la.
if jam then jam lo.
we already tried our best le ma.
dunno y suddenly jerine add anna to center station.
actually i don c a need in that lo.
also don understand.

after tonight i know who i can work hard for and who i don hav a need to work hard for le.
now i can feel something le.
this is what i think: the more u like to do, the more she wouldnt let u do. the more u hate to do, the more she let u do.
she herself say i LOVE to do runner but she WOULDNT let me do runner....
but now to me ALL station i also LOVE and ALL sidejobs i also LOVE eh. then how??
i'll just hack care lo.
do my work and earn money.
that's all.
i happy, u happy.
i not happy, u try to be happy lo.
but i wouldnt just becoz her then i unhappy or angry at work de la.
i still can hav fun and work what's supposed to be done=)


Thursday, September 11, 2008

the next 4 days will be work work and work!
i need to save up for my hongkong trip in dec!
must endure=)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

today plan to wake up at 11 de.
but then hp no batt so auto wake up at 12.30!
then dily therly till 1plus then went out to orchard..
by the time at 2.20 when i reached suki to meet kyee, celeste, ben, jun jie, wah and bryan, they've already almost done with the buffet.
i started eating and rush oso..
regret le, should hav taken ala carte=(
anyway after the buffet, we went to watced wall-e!
at the beginning when i watch, i thought i waste money lo..
but after that till the end, i find the show quite cute and nice=)
overall the movie is not bad=)
then after movie walk by taka, wisma(to get accessories, but there wasnt the right size available so both hands empty=( )
went to far east as kyee suggested..
went there and got a pair of gladiators=)
as least got something better than nth..
i actually saw a bag quite nice too but then $80 eh, don bear to buy it.
mayb i'll think bout it first lo..
hmmm after shopping, we went to paragon de din tai feng eat dinner=)
met up with jia min too=)
STUPID REGGIE PUT AEROPLANE! other days then injured lo, y today? still dare say we forget bout u ar huh? walao kns ar u. next time meet up then u know! wahaha!!
junjie, bryan, kyee and me didnt eat much coz still full with the buffet..
but at least me and kyee still ate more than jjie and bryan lo..
but poor jjie, coz kanna force to finish the 'dan chao fan' by bryan..
after dinner, me jjie and kyee cabbed home coz i lazy to take mrt or bus..
had a nice day with them=)
hope to hav a gathering with them again soon=)

Monday, September 8, 2008

today i woke up at 2plus lo!
wa damn tired....
went to get ready to go meet kaishin they all lo..
today's kaiwei's birthday!
we met at jurong point to do some shopping lo..
then went to chinese garden but didnt went in to look at the lightings in the end lo..
mayi funny lo, vomit bcoz they went for buffet in the afternoon then she not feelin well after that....
haha..poor thing...
then after that we went to their house nearby there eat sambal stingray, sotong,......
alot and not very ex lo....
after that when planning to go home, it started RAINING!
my shoes were all wet..
by the time i got home, the rain stop.
gonna rest early tonight....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

today at work very good lo.... in the afternoon got 4 ppl working center station including me eh=) wahaha.... so even if busy i oso don need to work so hard.... haha.... at nite it wasnt busy lo.... i guess coz the next day school reopens le=) went supper with some staff after work=) met a fren and send me home=) good nite=)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

today working halfday....
thought life will be easy today but.......
buffet was damn damn very busy eh!
all of us totally not prepared for the buffet lo..
runner jam like hell but i feel that it's so challenging..
but really thx to all the staff ther who helped to clear the dishes lo..
thx alot to feifei, qimeimei, siaoyan,.........=)

after work meetin kyee, reggie and jiamin for dinner at IMM..
reggie was late while min end work at 6.30 so only meet us at 7plus..
we went to cafe cartel for dinner=)
and this time round i didnt order steak le..
the previous time i went, the steak wasnt 70% done but 90% done..
anyway me and kyee sat back the same place where we went there previously=)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

this week is totally a no life week for me....
just plain working everyday bcoz i've not much cash with me to spend..
working 11full today, wed, fri, sat and sun=)
11-5 on thurs=)
waiting for pay out next week so that i can go shopping again=)

Monday, September 1, 2008


If you are in love with a woman in this zodiac be prepared to be very happy or be very sorry. She is a very busy person with her own matters similar to a guy in this zodiac. She is able to live by herself without any guy in her life, a very strong person indeed.
Not because she does not have a dream guy, but if she can not find such person, so what. Because she thinks she could do anything that a man can do. She is a leader , a real confident type.

She likes to do things by herself, such as serving herself, opening the door herself. Because she thinks waiting for a helping hand is a waste of time, and she is not patient enough to wait around for that. If she starts to ask you out, do not think she starts to flirt with you, but because she thinks it is a waste of time to wait for you to be the one who asked.

She likes a COOL guy who sometime act like he is ignoring her, so he has a chance to show him his own confident. She like to guess her man's reaction, but at the same time she likes to has many men wanting her. She is a daring type who could just do thing differently from other people in her same society. She dare to fight for what she thinks belonged to her.
Even she acts confident she mostly feel lonely and alone. If she breaks up with someone , she won't show any emotion even deep down inside pain and agony. Not for long she will come back to be the cheery and merry person again, because she looks at the world positively and has "Faith" in the word "Love".

She has more men friends than women friends, so do not be a jealous type if you date her. She could be slightly jealous, but she hates jealous guy. She loves "Freedom" so before and after marriage , her freedom has to be the same. She likes you to trust her, even if she does not trust you anyhow.

She likes to be the one who is "Right", so if you argue with her , let her win if it is not a big deal for you in that subject. She is a straight forward type, so if she does not love you anymore, she will just tell you straight to your face. Her love and relationship are always real, so if she say "It's over" be prepare to leave, she is not testing you.

She is not a vulnerable type, so do not have to worry about her, she will survive by herself. If she is with you when you get sick, she will certainly take care and look after you, even look after you mean "small loan". Do not have secret with her, she hates it and really can piss her badly. When she is sad , be understanding. When she is happy, be happy with her, she likes that.

You will not get bore with this type of girl. Someone who is close to her will know that deep down beneath that confident and cold hearted person, she is just as fragile as any woman. She is a fun and talkative person and she likes to tease you. Do not let she talk alone, if you do she will leave.
She has many type of jobs because she beliefs what a man can do, I can do. If you want her to work for you, forget it. When she is in love, she will just leave her job in the day time just to come to see you, but not for long she will go back to work seriously again. Prepare to live and love with a "Working Woman" then you will be OK.

If she mad, find a shelter for the "Hurricane" is here! Her bad temper will last very shortly though. She is not a revenge type and will not think of "pay Back" time. Most people might think of her as "One of a guy", but in fact she is a 100% woman. She is easily hurt, so be nice with her. If she really loves you, then you are lucky because she is an honest, truthful and will never bored you. Understand that sometimes she will be over confident and sometimes like to have power or act bossy.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

i woke up late so took cab but was stuck in the cab for bout 5 mins coz my nets transaction couldnt go through!
but luckily i reached just on time at 12!
then i got ready for work in a rush lo.
today work was busy but i was damn high lo.
i think coz last nite i drank a bit bah.
my eyes were heavy and tired, but my mood was super high and happy!
nite time i was really worn out but still ate supper with some colleages..
after supper i was on my way home.
but met up with one of my fren after reaching home then we chatted for some time.
it's been quite long since we chatted lo..
after that i went home and was talking to another fren on the phone.
its just so weird to talk so much today! =)


Thursday, August 28, 2008

well a few weeks ago i went to sushi tei vivo city to interview.
they called me yesterday and ask if i could start work next mon.
so finally i need to crack my head and think le.

should i go there or stay here at sakae?

if i choose to stay, it will be bcoz the location near my house, the pay is quite high le, im considered a old staff(mayb senior? don wan thick skin anyhow say, later some ppl bu shuang.actually i oso don need the title de la. im only a part timer.haha) so im used to everything there.
if i choose to leave, its just bcoz i wanna hav a new environment and know more frens.

so i guess i will choose to stay bah.
sorry eh pei, go there interview le but then nv go in the end.
but of course i will inform the manager lo=)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

last paper today!


don need to party la coz i long ago like already in holiday mood=)


oh well i cant wait for the next salary!

bcoz im so craving for shopping shoppin shoppin!

You're a Window Shopper!

You know that shopping's a blast, but you prefer to save your money

You hardly ever give into an impulse buy, unless it's a total steal

You've always got the most money of your friends - and you never have to borrow

And you've got a nice wardrobe too ... of classic pieces that last years!

Friday, August 22, 2008

another boring day ofwork=(
time for some relaxation=)

You Are Picky When it Counts

Like most sane women, you want a great guy who will treat you well.

But you're also willing to put up with a few flaws in your Mr. Right

You should congratulate yourself on having a realistic approach to dating.

You probably have quite a few great guys you can date!

Your Independence Level: Very High

You do things your own way. Even if everyone else thinks you're wrong.

You cherish your freedom, and you resent rules.

No one knows what's right for you as much as you do.

You can take care of yourself... and you do a mighty fine job of it.

today's paper suck.
hope i can pass it.
at work quite bored but not bad lo.
that T bu shuang me write things here in MY OWN BLOG, then never talk to me eh.
i hack care, just do my work lo=)
after work went to eat supper before meeting my fren to chat=)
we chat till quite late before going home=)

nitez, tml workin 11 full!!!!
wan an!

hey T! what else do u wanna see here?
what u did, u should noe very well urself, don need me to tell u here rite?
i know u damn bu shuang me rite?
but what can u do?
all these things r done by u anyway so y don dare admit?
may u be a coward forever=)
and get ur retribution soon=)
come visit here more often hoh T?
i still welcome u=) wahaha.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

today's gbe paper don think i'll do very well bah.
nv study much so i should know it very well myself=)

after the paper went to library to check my mail and stuff.
then head down to bugis!
to shop.
i went to try out the clip-on hair extension and it look really natural overall.
but only tries it on for fun and carry on with my shopping.
bought a pair of eyelashes and glue but i think its a waste of my money=(
so regret.
after getting it, i got a pair of brown shorts=)
haha. satisfied coz i love to wear shorts=)
i bought a shirt as well.
was plannin to go home but then i passed by a hair extension shop.
guess what, i went to try it out=)
just add some hair for fun.
when i really wanna do then will go add more=)
i think it looks funny coz like a bit of hair only.
[i'll add the pic of it tml=)]
but ah fai saw and say it look ok ma.
i didnt know how john thinks but he said he wanted hair extension too.
so i recommend him to this shop.
after getting comments for my hair, i went home for dinner and here online blogging..
im goin to take a nap first before studying FM=)

alright, think i've vent enough in the previous entries=)

time to come back on track to carry on with my life=)

a brand new day, a brand new start=)


gonna be happy everyday!

cheers! =)

well part of the truth that i choose to vent out are there in my previous few entries. (from 14th aug till 19aug)

i just hope the truth that i vent out already shows what kind of person ching is like.
if i did anything wrong, i welcome u to tell me bout it. im open to it. u can just tag at the tagboard with ur name indicated too.
i know in matters of love, it cant be predicted or forced.
i can accept the fact that it's all over=)
what i couldnt then was ppl looking at the lies.
now i hope they are willing to look at the truth.
i know it well bcoz im de 'dang shi ren' so i noe better than anyone.
that's it. im giving a stop to everything now=)

i think its enough for me to feel better already=)
my heart feel so much better and relieved too=)

that's the end to it=)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

hey this is the pic that we took in 2005.
i look really fat there rite?! but i think i look too fat coz of my baggy uniform la. i just wanted u guys to c my double chin. haha.
too much stress from o's so i ate non-stop in the study weeks and become like that.
i miss them!

im sure after ching saw all these, he might hate me for being mean.
mayb he will even feel heart pain for her.
he will blame me for writing mean things about her.
he will say that im not able to let go as part of his anger words.
i know him so much more now than when were together.
im not being mean but the TRUTH being mean.

soon the people ard them will be brainwashed up one by one by them.
but i will not be those people=)

when we went back to his house in malaysia, that gal sms him coz i happen to hold his fone. haha.
'ni zai zuo she me ar?'
whether they talked on the phone or not, im not sure.
little did i realise he lend her his prepaid card when she went back home.

then i forgot when but he sms her too.
he delete the msg and thought i wouldnt realise it.
but im clever enough to realise it.

after we come back not long ago, there was a samuel matter happening and after that, that gal spend time tryin to explain to him and seek for his forgiveness.
so like that she brain washed him again.
not long later i saw his phone got her msges.
she call him dear here dear there in the msges.
he realise i saw the msg and got angry with me in fromt of his bro lo.
treat me so badly becoz of the msg.
so angry and scare means both of they 'you lu' lo.
it's so obvious but he nv admits.
below are some of the things i can remember from the msges. (i only can remember a few sentences, suppose to be in chinese but i convert to english):

'dear as you know this 2 years i have always wanted to be together with u..................'
'so now how? ur cousin(biao ge) sure dislike me le. how bout ur dad and mum? what's their impressions of me now?' -> this thing is regards to the samuel thing.
'don give up, u and agnes sure still hav chance to be back together de. im ok=)' ->tryin to break us up still say this thing? call him dear le then say this? what a laughin stock she is. haha. act nice and innocent in front of T only. hahahaha....

there's more but i forgot.
he always don allow me to look at his fone. i guess it coz of this msges ba.
after i saw the dear thing, he delete the 'dear' and save the msges.. wahaha. another stupid action.
the next day, me and ching went out then she sms him say u and agnes go out got hold hands not? haha....
but think bout it, at that time me and ching still together eh. must they do this kind of thing?
im sure his bro know too and look at her differently..

btw if u realise, this yr during her birthday on sun, ching took leave too.
haha. i really dunno y he would take leave on that day. he told me is becoz he got a fren not in sakae de birthday celebration.. i dunno wher he went or did what so i wouldnt say anything. [that period of time was when my grandma pass away=(, i ask him to go too but he say he cant go that kind of places this year. but now even if he want go, my grandma also don wanna c him.] oh ya i heard that he bought a casio watch as present for her.

i don mean that ching nv treat me nice before or what la.
he did too.
he do get presents that i feel is expensive for me.

but still the main thing im after is the feelings and trust between one another in a relationship bah=)

regarding to the rumours that other staff told me they heard or saw, i guess part of them are true but some are not true la. so i don believe in it unless ching admits or i c it for myself. things need prove to be true. i don wanna lie bout all these, if not there's no point in writin anything here at all..
don u guys think so?

most of the staff will come and warn me with this. -> wa they live together eh somemore that gal like ching so much, u not scare they got something ma?’ (i didnt care then.)
a staff came and told me this but told me i can don believe what he/she say, ask me to use my own eyes c. -> eh they hold hands eh, from a woman’s point of view, they like got ‘ai mei’ relation leh.’ (i nv saw this so i hack care lo.) he/she said that when im not at the outlet, both of them can talk and laugh from entrance till the back of the outlet. but when im working, both of them don talk to each other de. i did realise this=)
Got one say ->’ wa they got same toe ring not?’ (this i think not true ba coz the ring is with me now. haha. he took it off once when it felt painful and left it with me.)

some of the things that i nv see it for myself or he nv admits to me, i don think i should 'wu lai' him la. if not, i'll be in the wrong.


i hav a few frens at sakae whom i can trust when they told me things they heard regarding this matter=) but i lazy write now. haha. when one day i c a need to vent then i'll write lo. if not then nvm. haha.

cheapos people should get a life=)

Monday, August 18, 2008

he said i can write whatever i want....
he's not afraid or what but i think they are cowards lo..

when we were still together, i asked ching this.
'will u ever fall for that gal?'
well ching actually told me that this kind of thing he cannot guarantee to me no.
he said there's somethings that he will not be able to accept.
1-she smokes.
2-her choice and decisions in love is very messy and not firm. mayb one day behind his back, she will go meet other guys and lie to him. the same situation happen as regards to a samuel guy and her which she lied to ching.
let them hav fun lying here and there lo.
unless both of them find true love then this wouldnt happen bah.
but now how come he can accept le?

true love ar?
so wei da.

for now i guess ching wouldnt keep to his promise that we will still chat and go out once in a while as frens.
1 thing is bcoz i write out all the things mayb nobody noes so he not shuang with me for makin the situation for him ugly. 2nd thing is he found a new love le. last night in the phone he admits they together le. well i dunno true or lies again la. but i guess so too bah. haha. i guess if he still contact me, that gal will be unhappy bah so this is the 3rd reason.
but then its fine with me bcoz i no longer believe in whatever he say anymore.
in addition if they were together since he told me the last time, well i just can say he betrayed her already bah.
i just think so lo.
but anyway he also don dare to face up to the truth and reality.


all along when im with T, there's this C ard who like T alot....
from what i noe, after me and T got together, C still wouldnt give up and even moved into the same unit as T after that..
i couldnt stop it from happening....
this is the first mistake/nightmare to our r/s....
those working at my workplace(sakae sushi) should know bah....
C just do whatever she wanted to be close to T....

(during the time when T was after me, there was a kitchen staff who told C bad things bout T and she came to ask me this. ' eh u like t ar?' like very scare me and T together as she likes T alot. then i say no y, then she walk off. another time i think rumours spread bout me and T de. she come ask me again and tell me bad things bout T that the kitchen staff told her. so guess what? Till now T don seem to believe that she purposely tell me bad things bout him but coz C was influenced by others. i damn dots, u don believe ur gf at that time but instead believe what C says. see how much she can influence and brain-wash him? haha.)
as u noe then, as time goes by, they were closer and closer...
rumours between them spread all the time at our workplace....

Almost every service staff came and told or ask me bout it.
Some ask,’ wa they live together eh somemore that gal like ching so much, u not scare they got something ma?’
Some say,’eh they hold hands eh, from a woman’s point of view, they like got ‘ai mei’ relation leh.’
Got one say,’ wa they got same toe ring not?’

always regarding 2 of them doin something which i hav no idea of..
whenever T go smoke, C went along. even if busy she ask another manager or sup to take over and go with him. go for break and lunch oso. so desprate ar? at home smoke together not enough, at work oso must smoke together ar.
i just feel that all these were so unfair to me as im his gf...
All these things he nv thought of my feelings at all..
It really suck…
but i just pretend i nv hear and choose to trust T lo....
some might be true, some might not be.

C did went to tell ppl bout her goin to his room and playing ps2 together, go jb together, eat supper together,.....
she also went to tell every new staff that she likes T. but he don believe that she went to spread some things that's y some staff came and tell me..
everybody knows ching was with me and she did things to affect us….
I guess they all thought she was being slutty to do that? Some told me she’s cheap.
I dunno what can I use to describe this kind of person, only u guys can say her.
If not later some people who don understand the situation say im talking bad bout her.... wahaha!!!!
and she went to seduce a few of the guys working at my workplace.. (not that im saying rumours but those guys who r my good frens did tell me bout it, haha)
she also went to say things to others and told them not to let me noe..
there's even once when she came to tell me that a lot of guys like her and she was giggling non-stop..
i was thinkin is she trying to show off to me? haha....
but my thinkin was just: it doesnt matter how many guys like u but to be with a guy that truely loves u and that u love him too....
isnt this right? y so greedy or desprate?
and of course i do think they chat everyday when they are smoking in their unit's kitchen..
at first i didnt noe y my bf did things this way and nv thought of my feelings, but now that i think bout it....
i just simply noe y.
he never tried to prevent those things from happening and just betrayed our r/s....
during a period of time, i think is during 2007 de june. they were on leave at the same time and T told me that C initialled to go find him at his house at hometown. she lived there for 1 or 2 nights too. (i got know this when i went back with him and while chatting with his mum, his mum accidentally spilled it out.but also with a few times of forcing then he finally admit to me. at first he totally bluff me is his previous ex, kelly khoo. really a coward rite?) but then that gal really very slutty huh? know T got gf still want go there somemore dunno his family well then stay there. T oso got problem to agree to it and both of them kept it to secret to me all along. its ok that people say im stupid or what. i admit this is my first relationship so i choose to trust T 100% but in the end, conclusion is that im wrong lo. at least i learnt alot from this. but doesnt make u think that long before they already betrayed me and ching relatinonship? oh ya he got admit to me that 1 yr ago he did think that that gal de character quite suit him and got 'hao gan' for her. this what he told me. he said didnt tell coz noe i will bu shuang. till now he still protecting her. haha.

talkin bout work things, there was once a lot thing happened between sean(last time de RM), that gal, xiao yun and coco. im sure u noe this is service problem not kitchen problem right? T went to help clarify that gal name and keep saying not her wrong, is bcoz sean influence her. i hear le also got nth to say. he totally under her spell already oh.
last time got a part-time staff bu shuang me and went to shot to managers things bout me, T didnt seem to care bout my feelings and only said things to that part time staff'sbf and that's it. T just tell me to ignore that person lo. nv help me to go confront her or what.
this makes things so obvious rite?

i just don understand y does C wanna do such stuff till so far....
she's really so cheap.
haha. both of them so xia jian is all i can say. and coward.
and i got to know that gal even got call T's mum to chit-chat too.
so fast wanna buy over his mum le ar. haha.

whenever i ask him qns regarding to all these, he nv admits....
i truely thinks he only noes how to lie to me...
whatever that he has done i was willing to forgive at that time becoz all i wanted was to be with him....
but now its a totally different thing already.

then finally we made a decision to break off.
but during that time im sure T told C everything and she knew it all along.
i truely believe they will their retribute one day.looking forward till that day=)w
e broke off with the right reasons..
for me, its becoz i finally dared to face reality and noe i should let go when im not happy with him. he nv gave me true happiness and he's not a guy who is worth me loving and caring for.. the worst thing of all is that im kept from the truth.. and he betrayed our r/s and me.... he fall for another gal....
for his reasons, he said our character don suits, our background different, age gap.... all the reasons were like physically kind and really don play a part in preventing 2 person from being together....
but im sure his reason is bcoz he fall for C le..
(by the way when i told ah kang that we broke up coz chararcter don suit. he went to tell ah kang that is bcoz what i wants and what he wants are different, blah blah blah. ah kang of course believe him i guess. haha)

after T & me broke off not long later, we talked through and T finally admits to me that he had feelings for C.
i just have the feeling that it happened long ago but he didnt admit or tell anyone.
for this reason i will nv understand y he still choose to be with me and not to end it once and for all.
i really think that im so so so much (mayb100%) better than C.... i really truly think like this.... haha.... it's really true i guess....(c im so proud now! LAN SI!!!! haha)

and there's these thing bout C that i don understand about. i heard that she's goin out with another guy now.. i couldnt understand y is the situation like this? there's so much that she did in the past 2 yrs to create problems between me and T and we really broke off like how she wanted but now? she nv choose to be with T but instead go out with another guy at the same time? i heard they hold hands till C realise T saw then she let go of the other guy's hand.... dotssssss..........?
for now i really wish i didnt hav known T at all....
i might wanna pretend tat i nv knew him before....
this is not that i cant let go but he's really too much....
im living better now which is better then him still in another hole trying hard for that C mayb?

im very sure i can find a better guy who will NOT LIE to me and also will treasure me=)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

today at work not busy at all....
the 'da jies' and 'da ges' came..
but then still quite slack.

at night when i going to sleep, ah fai suddenly call me.
he ask me on fri if i called sean and say that ah fai call me to help him call ching.
i shock, how come fai wan call ching must ask me to help him call?
then i asked him how he know lo.

he say carey just called and asked him.
then realise that ching told carey that he was eating supper with fai.
(by right on fri ching was with me and we walked back my house la coz that day i asked him to acc me home.)
so i thought how come so fast lie to who he LIKE so much le....
so i called ching immediately to clarify.
however i called alot alot of times but i think he don dare to answer my call andsay he got the choice to answer or not.
so fast only care bout that gal orh..
until i called sean to disturb again then he call back.
somemore first thing on the phone is he started scolding lo.
say y always go and call other people to find me?
i say walao call u so many times u don wanna pick up still dare say i should just call u.
don dare to answer my call still like that.
so i said excuse me, i nv call to quarrel with u or let u scold de hoh.
so asked him everything la.
he say that gal also ask him le then call fai de.
i feel so dots.
if that gal believe u and nv suspect u, y she call fai?
he told me that night he went to buy cigarettes and also eat with her.
i was thinkin no wonder that night i sms him, he off both his no. coz that gal with him, scare she know.
then i laugh at him y so fast go lie to her le, he say he will not lie to her and tell her the truth de.
so i say then how come u say tell her the truth then not in the first place tell her the truth but now then wan tell her? now when she suspect then u tell her?
but then i guess they r still ok la.
that gal spend so much effort to be with ching, she wouldnt give up even if ching lie to her i guess?
that's my opinion only lo, not to provoke her or what.
however i guess when ching read all these, he will think im being very mean to 'his new gf' bah?' haha. mayb he will treat her like a goddess or what le, everything oso tell her. but im not afraid at all.

im saying what u(ching) admit to me and not making up a story.
i don need to tell lies if u nv did all these rubbish rite.

a liar will forever be a liar.. once there's once, there will be a second time.

hey today at work i saw MR NICHOLAS KOH!
so coincidence....
mrs lau also come to my workplace to eat often..
brings back all the sec school memories!
miss them!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

oh today at night ching called me to ask what did i wrote about carey.
IM LIKE DOTS..............
he said that gal say her fren saw my blog on what i wrote about her and calling her a bitch.
hey 'fren of carey who told her', i guess u know me or i know u too rite, if not y would u confirm and say what i wrote was refering to carey?

mayb when i wrote the entry and people read it, some of them might think i cant let go or cant accept reality. some might think that im stating the ugly truth. or am i being mean to them for saying the truth? or serve them right? or m i wrong?
i guess when ching c all this, he will go ard telling ppl im such a small kid, go online and write bad things bout others.
these are bad things ar? i only know how to write truth not good or bad things.


well i dunno and don care but i just wanna 'fa xie'....
then after i hang the second call, i sms him that if that gal wanna noe whatever thing, ask her to come find me to talk and not use him to ask me. i gave him this add to him for him to c it himself. even if that gal came and c, i've nth to be afraid off bcoz its all truth=)


Friday, August 15, 2008

tonight before end work, at the locker there.
time was 10.30pm.
i volunteered to help some staff punch card.
so ching at my back then i joke joke slowly slowly lo and laughin la.
he suddenly angry and push me aside.
xiaoyun saw la and she ask me but i just keep quiet bcoz this is regards to me and him only.
so after i punched my card, i was fully bloated with anger that he pushed me and scolded me.
i went to look for him and gave him a tight slap!
this has been a slap i wanted to give him long ago.
and just one slap i do not feel debloated at all..
after that we quarrelled and chatted and i asked him to acc me walk home coz i don wanna take bus.
so we chatted till bout 12.20 but ching keep saying he needs to go le, need to rest early, next day work morning.
so we both left for home.
after i reached home i finish bathing so called him y didnt reply me.
little did i realise he off both his phone.
so i called sean and look for him.
finallly after ard 15min, he called back and told me he went to eat just now and just finish bathing.
so i said good night.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

oh ya. that time i heard from ching that xiao yun went to tell his sister,coco this,' agnes tell me that ching broke up with her coz of carey.'
once ching noe he really very angry.
im sure he will la. haha.

i was also angry coz i didnt tell yun anything just a 'ya' to her qn of ' u and ching not together le ar?' then she put words into my mouth..

then i guess ching got 'explain' to her sis bout his reasons and excuses bah.

he got say somethings bout this matter to me la.

believe or not is another thing=)