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![]() Oh hello. I am Agnes and I am 19. Shopping and Dreaming are my favourite hobbies. i wish to tour around the world to taiwan, hongkong, korea, australia, usa..... ONGOING
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Saturday, September 13, 2008
today workin 11full=)
the 3rd full day=) haha.... afternoon shift: back. i was working back with siao ping and zen. i remembered jerine planned on tues that was 3 of us runner in the afternoon today. but now she shifted us to the back station. haha. more relaxing bah=) before back opened, i was lookin the the floor plan. at the same time joey and jerine walk over and say dunno what lo.. then jerine say 'if joey don wan runner, wan go out, then ask agnes go in lo. since she like runner so much.' wa when i hear le i feel quite offended lo. why must she as a manager say till like that. if she thinks that i like to be at the runner station then y not plan me in? rather than talk all the useless rubbish? i just don understand. haha. hack care her lo. anyway she also always plan me at service floor de. i oso hack care. runner more tiring lo. haha. at back: wa i damn f***in pissed off. plan 3 person work back, in the end only i 1 person and jasmine do back only lo. somemore jas is dunno don hav schedule then come work halfday de. if not what? i 1 person die at the back ar? cb! siaoping and zen stayed at center. worse still, halfway ask ping go do cashier, and zen runner.. wa fuck eh. plan le then only i and jas both hug together do back orh. actually i oso a bit angry with siaoping and zen lo. if u noe u 2 do back y don come to the back station? even when i nv call for help doesnt mean u all don need come over ma. i really damn pissed off with them and jerine lo. plan them back but pull them all away to other station + they do back nv auto come to the back. damn! useless floor plan! !!!!!!! night shift: center i in the morning already guess at nite i sure work center de. wa bingo. toto also not so accurate. haha. im doin with junjie only. then he say wa in the afternoon do runner tiring then at nite also only 2 person do center and need to run like hell again orh. when 3 ppl work center he doesnt hav a share. but if 2 ppl, he will hav the chance to suffer. i just laugh lo. but i tell him nvm lo, we 2 can de la. if jam then jam lo. we already tried our best le ma. haha. dunno y suddenly jerine add anna to center station. actually i don c a need in that lo. also don understand. haha. after tonight i know who i can work hard for and who i don hav a need to work hard for le. now i can feel something le. this is what i think: the more u like to do, the more she wouldnt let u do. the more u hate to do, the more she let u do. haha.... she herself say i LOVE to do runner but she WOULDNT let me do runner.... but now to me ALL station i also LOVE and ALL sidejobs i also LOVE eh. then how?? hahahaha. i'll just hack care lo. do my work and earn money. that's all. i happy, u happy. i not happy, u try to be happy lo. hehe.. but i wouldnt just becoz her then i unhappy or angry at work de la. i still can hav fun and work what's supposed to be done=) nitez=) |