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![]() Oh hello. I am Agnes and I am 19. Shopping and Dreaming are my favourite hobbies. i wish to tour around the world to taiwan, hongkong, korea, australia, usa..... ONGOING
*-[moi old blog]-**-[AnGeLiA(sis)]-* *-[AnThEa]-* *-[AsHa]-* *-[AtiKa]-* *-[BeN]-* *-[CaSeLiNe]-* *-[CeLeStE]-* *-[CiNdY]-* *-[ChUtEcK]-* *-[EnCi]-* *-[EuNiCe]-* *-[FaNg]-* *-[FeLiCiA-sb]-* *-[FeLiCiA-ss]-* *-[gLaDyS]-* *-[jAsMiNe]-* *-[JeSsLiN]-* *-[JiAmIn]-* *-[JiNgShi]-* *-[JoAn]-* *-[JoEyOnG]-* *-[jUnJiE]-* *-[KwAnGyEe]-* *-[LayYan]-* *-[LiNdA]-* *-[Mag]-* *-[MeLvIn LiM]-* *-[pAuLa]-* *-[PauLiNe]-* *-[pAt.G]-* *-[rEgGiE]-* *-[sArAh JaNe]-* *-[WaNtiNg]-* *-[wEnXiAnG]-* *-[xUeMiN]-* *-[yOuWeI]-* *-[zHeNgXiAnG]-* OTHERS
Thursday, September 4, 2008
today working halfday....
thought life will be easy today but....... buffet was damn damn very busy eh! all of us totally not prepared for the buffet lo.. runner jam like hell but i feel that it's so challenging.. but really thx to all the staff ther who helped to clear the dishes lo.. thx alot to feifei, qimeimei, siaoyan,.........=) wahaha.... after work meetin kyee, reggie and jiamin for dinner at IMM.. reggie was late while min end work at 6.30 so only meet us at 7plus.. we went to cafe cartel for dinner=) and this time round i didnt order steak le.. the previous time i went, the steak wasnt 70% done but 90% done.. bad=( anyway me and kyee sat back the same place where we went there previously=) |