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![]() Oh hello. I am Agnes and I am 19. Shopping and Dreaming are my favourite hobbies. i wish to tour around the world to taiwan, hongkong, korea, australia, usa..... ONGOING
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
today's gbe paper don think i'll do very well bah.
nv study much so i should know it very well myself=) wahaha. after the paper went to library to check my mail and stuff. then head down to bugis! to shop. i went to try out the clip-on hair extension and it look really natural overall. but only tries it on for fun and carry on with my shopping. bought a pair of eyelashes and glue but i think its a waste of my money=( so regret. after getting it, i got a pair of brown shorts=) haha. satisfied coz i love to wear shorts=) i bought a shirt as well. was plannin to go home but then i passed by a hair extension shop. guess what, i went to try it out=) haha. just add some hair for fun. when i really wanna do then will go add more=) haha. i think it looks funny coz like a bit of hair only. [i'll add the pic of it tml=)] but ah fai saw and say it look ok ma. i didnt know how john thinks but he said he wanted hair extension too. wahaha. so i recommend him to this shop. after getting comments for my hair, i went home for dinner and here online blogging.. im goin to take a nap first before studying FM=) jiayou! |