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![]() Oh hello. I am Agnes and I am 19. Shopping and Dreaming are my favourite hobbies. i wish to tour around the world to taiwan, hongkong, korea, australia, usa..... ONGOING
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
i was workin 5 - 10.30 today.
at runner station was tiring. a bit of cock up here and there. haiz. no mood to work today lo. sian=( after work went home straight coz i wasnt feeling hungry. on my way back, i met a guy, whom i saw quite oftenly near my place, and we did exchanged our msn.. till now i cant believe it. me and a total-stranger suddenly started talkin just like that.. hmmm...its quite unbelievable to me eh.. haha.. but anyway really nice to meet/know u, jingcheng. =) hmmm he told me he came over to sakae to eat last week but i didnt saw him.. mayb i was busy. wahaha.. gtg rest now=) good nite=) sweet dreams! (btw jasmine, cant wait to c u again!wahaha)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
today working 11 full again..
the first thing i went to work was BEN MC! i was quite angry bcoz only me and sharon were running about to do takeaway, dine-in custs.. by 12noon only me sharon and junjie working only. both me and sharon ask our manager(jerine) if she asked any staff working at 1.45pm to come in early to help out. she told us she did. those working at 1.45pm were ah wah, joey and xiaoyen. till bout 1pm le, still i don c anyone. so i went to ask my manager again. she still insist that she did call ppl to come earlier.. but little did i know until i went to ask the 3 of them and found out they wasnt called to come work earlier! damn.. what a liar! i don think i will choose to believe her words in the future lo. haiz.. disappointed with such management people.... hmmm then me and sharon and jjie really very angry and pissed off.... coz manager stayed at cashier most of the time.(mayb is sort office thingy and IT thinggy bah) i don understand y its so hard to make a call for less than 30secs.... haiz.. so only we 3 run ard till 1.45pm come lo.. at least if tommy, he will call staff come earlier to help lo.. at nite worked back with sharon and john.. damn slack lo which is great=) me and sharon had fun and party at the back.. wahaha.. oh ya the new miso soup is very nice! haha... at nite exchange side job with jjie again.... after work home sweet home=) goin out tml=) nitez=)
Monday, September 15, 2008
today offday = restday=) actually wanna go out just now for a while de. but too lazy le... haha.. so i stayed at home and rot lo. wahaha.... relax day=)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
the 4rd day of 11full=)
afternoon shift: runner i was doing runner with yen and joey. quite busy during peak hour but still we are alright lo=) hhad fun and nice running=) got lots of takeaway then yen see le oso sian. wahaha.... she whole day do takeaway lo.... hehe.. night shift: back work with mayi, kaishin and celeste at back today=) so happy. at first everythin at back went smoothly.... until runner jam, kaishin went in to help, the rest of the 3 of us keep rushing orders and runnig about.. so end up our station very messy lo. we should hav look after our station first before helping runner.. coz ended up we were all becoming luan liao. haha.... but tonight really busy and i sweating lo.. haha.... although tiring but at least got 3 of them same station as me so at least hav fun lo. wahaha.... after work c le schedule then realise got one day cut to half le. coz they cutting cost i guess.. quite sian la but cant help it lo.. hope to find a event job that last for 2 to 3 days de lo to earn back the money=) jiayou! haha..
Saturday, September 13, 2008
today workin 11full=)
the 3rd full day=) haha.... afternoon shift: back. i was working back with siao ping and zen. i remembered jerine planned on tues that was 3 of us runner in the afternoon today. but now she shifted us to the back station. haha. more relaxing bah=) before back opened, i was lookin the the floor plan. at the same time joey and jerine walk over and say dunno what lo.. then jerine say 'if joey don wan runner, wan go out, then ask agnes go in lo. since she like runner so much.' wa when i hear le i feel quite offended lo. why must she as a manager say till like that. if she thinks that i like to be at the runner station then y not plan me in? rather than talk all the useless rubbish? i just don understand. haha. hack care her lo. anyway she also always plan me at service floor de. i oso hack care. runner more tiring lo. haha. at back: wa i damn f***in pissed off. plan 3 person work back, in the end only i 1 person and jasmine do back only lo. somemore jas is dunno don hav schedule then come work halfday de. if not what? i 1 person die at the back ar? cb! siaoping and zen stayed at center. worse still, halfway ask ping go do cashier, and zen runner.. wa fuck eh. plan le then only i and jas both hug together do back orh. actually i oso a bit angry with siaoping and zen lo. if u noe u 2 do back y don come to the back station? even when i nv call for help doesnt mean u all don need come over ma. i really damn pissed off with them and jerine lo. plan them back but pull them all away to other station + they do back nv auto come to the back. damn! useless floor plan! !!!!!!! night shift: center i in the morning already guess at nite i sure work center de. wa bingo. toto also not so accurate. haha. im doin with junjie only. then he say wa in the afternoon do runner tiring then at nite also only 2 person do center and need to run like hell again orh. when 3 ppl work center he doesnt hav a share. but if 2 ppl, he will hav the chance to suffer. i just laugh lo. but i tell him nvm lo, we 2 can de la. if jam then jam lo. we already tried our best le ma. haha. dunno y suddenly jerine add anna to center station. actually i don c a need in that lo. also don understand. haha. after tonight i know who i can work hard for and who i don hav a need to work hard for le. now i can feel something le. this is what i think: the more u like to do, the more she wouldnt let u do. the more u hate to do, the more she let u do. haha.... she herself say i LOVE to do runner but she WOULDNT let me do runner.... but now to me ALL station i also LOVE and ALL sidejobs i also LOVE eh. then how?? hahahaha. i'll just hack care lo. do my work and earn money. that's all. i happy, u happy. i not happy, u try to be happy lo. hehe.. but i wouldnt just becoz her then i unhappy or angry at work de la. i still can hav fun and work what's supposed to be done=) nitez=)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
the next 4 days will be work work and work!
i need to save up for my hongkong trip in dec! jiayou! must endure=)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
today plan to wake up at 11 de. but then hp no batt so auto wake up at 12.30! then dily therly till 1plus then went out to orchard.. by the time at 2.20 when i reached suki to meet kyee, celeste, ben, jun jie, wah and bryan, they've already almost done with the buffet. i started eating and rush oso.. regret le, should hav taken ala carte=( anyway after the buffet, we went to watced wall-e! at the beginning when i watch, i thought i waste money lo.. but after that till the end, i find the show quite cute and nice=) overall the movie is not bad=) haha.. then after movie walk by taka, wisma(to get accessories, but there wasnt the right size available so both hands empty=( ) went to far east as kyee suggested.. went there and got a pair of gladiators=) as least got something better than nth.. i actually saw a bag quite nice too but then $80 eh, don bear to buy it. mayb i'll think bout it first lo.. hmmm after shopping, we went to paragon de din tai feng eat dinner=) met up with jia min too=) STUPID REGGIE PUT AEROPLANE! other days then injured lo, y today? still dare say we forget bout u ar huh? walao kns ar u. next time meet up then u know! wahaha!! hehe.... junjie, bryan, kyee and me didnt eat much coz still full with the buffet.. but at least me and kyee still ate more than jjie and bryan lo.. but poor jjie, coz kanna force to finish the 'dan chao fan' by bryan.. haha.. after dinner, me jjie and kyee cabbed home coz i lazy to take mrt or bus.. hehe.. had a nice day with them=) hope to hav a gathering with them again soon=)
Monday, September 8, 2008
today i woke up at 2plus lo!
wa damn tired.... haahha.... went to get ready to go meet kaishin they all lo.. today's kaiwei's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIWEI! =) we met at jurong point to do some shopping lo.. then went to chinese garden but didnt went in to look at the lightings in the end lo.. mayi funny lo, vomit bcoz they went for buffet in the afternoon then she not feelin well after that.... haha..poor thing... then after that we went to their house nearby there eat sambal stingray, sotong,...... alot and not very ex lo.... nice=) after that when planning to go home, it started RAINING! my shoes were all wet.. by the time i got home, the rain stop. gonna rest early tonight....
Sunday, September 7, 2008
today at work very good lo.... in the afternoon got 4 ppl working center station including me eh=) wahaha.... so even if busy i oso don need to work so hard.... haha.... at nite it wasnt busy lo.... i guess coz the next day school reopens le=) went supper with some staff after work=) met a fren and send me home=) good nite=)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
today working halfday....
thought life will be easy today but....... buffet was damn damn very busy eh! all of us totally not prepared for the buffet lo.. runner jam like hell but i feel that it's so challenging.. but really thx to all the staff ther who helped to clear the dishes lo.. thx alot to feifei, qimeimei, siaoyan,.........=) wahaha.... after work meetin kyee, reggie and jiamin for dinner at IMM.. reggie was late while min end work at 6.30 so only meet us at 7plus.. we went to cafe cartel for dinner=) and this time round i didnt order steak le.. the previous time i went, the steak wasnt 70% done but 90% done.. bad=( anyway me and kyee sat back the same place where we went there previously=)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
this week is totally a no life week for me....
just plain working everyday bcoz i've not much cash with me to spend.. working 11full today, wed, fri, sat and sun=) 11-5 on thurs=) waiting for pay out next week so that i can go shopping again=) wahaha..
Monday, September 1, 2008
If you are in love with a woman in this zodiac be prepared to be very happy or be very sorry. She is a very busy person with her own matters similar to a guy in this zodiac. She is able to live by herself without any guy in her life, a very strong person indeed. Not because she does not have a dream guy, but if she can not find such person, so what. Because she thinks she could do anything that a man can do. She is a leader , a real confident type. She likes to do things by herself, such as serving herself, opening the door herself. Because she thinks waiting for a helping hand is a waste of time, and she is not patient enough to wait around for that. If she starts to ask you out, do not think she starts to flirt with you, but because she thinks it is a waste of time to wait for you to be the one who asked. She likes a COOL guy who sometime act like he is ignoring her, so he has a chance to show him his own confident. She like to guess her man's reaction, but at the same time she likes to has many men wanting her. She is a daring type who could just do thing differently from other people in her same society. She dare to fight for what she thinks belonged to her. Even she acts confident she mostly feel lonely and alone. If she breaks up with someone , she won't show any emotion even deep down inside pain and agony. Not for long she will come back to be the cheery and merry person again, because she looks at the world positively and has "Faith" in the word "Love". She has more men friends than women friends, so do not be a jealous type if you date her. She could be slightly jealous, but she hates jealous guy. She loves "Freedom" so before and after marriage , her freedom has to be the same. She likes you to trust her, even if she does not trust you anyhow. She likes to be the one who is "Right", so if you argue with her , let her win if it is not a big deal for you in that subject. She is a straight forward type, so if she does not love you anymore, she will just tell you straight to your face. Her love and relationship are always real, so if she say "It's over" be prepare to leave, she is not testing you. She is not a vulnerable type, so do not have to worry about her, she will survive by herself. If she is with you when you get sick, she will certainly take care and look after you, even look after you mean "small loan". Do not have secret with her, she hates it and really can piss her badly. When she is sad , be understanding. When she is happy, be happy with her, she likes that. You will not get bore with this type of girl. Someone who is close to her will know that deep down beneath that confident and cold hearted person, she is just as fragile as any woman. She is a fun and talkative person and she likes to tease you. Do not let she talk alone, if you do she will leave. She has many type of jobs because she beliefs what a man can do, I can do. If you want her to work for you, forget it. When she is in love, she will just leave her job in the day time just to come to see you, but not for long she will go back to work seriously again. Prepare to live and love with a "Working Woman" then you will be OK. If she mad, find a shelter for the "Hurricane" is here! Her bad temper will last very shortly though. She is not a revenge type and will not think of "pay Back" time. Most people might think of her as "One of a guy", but in fact she is a 100% woman. She is easily hurt, so be nice with her. If she really loves you, then you are lucky because she is an honest, truthful and will never bored you. Understand that sometimes she will be over confident and sometimes like to have power or act bossy. |