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![]() Oh hello. I am Agnes and I am 19. Shopping and Dreaming are my favourite hobbies. i wish to tour around the world to taiwan, hongkong, korea, australia, usa..... ONGOING
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Friday, July 11, 2008
late for 8am class as usual.
and always surfing the net in lab class. then i went for gbe tutorial but was sleeping in class. wahaha. till when cher talk bout my bag as an example for something in class, i woke up. and guess what he say after i woke up? 'wah she's tired,' 'u carry on sleeping la.' but i was awake so didnt fall asleep again.. had lunch at fc1 and met up with fazli first. after which reggie finally arrive after rushing home and back to school. he was late coz he was 'old' and forget to bring his report.. wahaha.. (wonder if he will read this) he ate 2 serving of food. we met up early to discuss on how to present for the gems project later.. crappy gems! the teacher(mimi)is damn biased can! racist i guess.. during the lesson i was playing ds lite until when it's our group's turn.. after presentation, mimi says we had done a lot on our research and i think she thinks it good overall? don really know but i know she seems biased towards fazli. then when everything ended, i need to go for work.. night shift: runner.. 'ma yi' -> xiao ping ma yi was putting order, im doing everything except putting order. the other 2 are sendign out orders or helping out=) i knew the kitchen AC is inside so i told ma yi to be careful not to let him jam us. sometimes he purposely wanna jam us. will he feel happy? i don understand. anyway we nv jam.... haha. only once with fried tofu! =( anyway today shiok coz normal busy and i was doin my favourite station=) after work went to acc ching and fei eat support before going home! nitez=) gonna rest early tonight=) |