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![]() Oh hello. I am Agnes and I am 19. Shopping and Dreaming are my favourite hobbies. i wish to tour around the world to taiwan, hongkong, korea, australia, usa..... ONGOING
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Saturday, July 12, 2008
last nite i manage to rest early, not like last few weekends when i only slept at 4, 5am. so today wasnt very tired.. at work i was slacking the whole day! afternoon shift: front station with cas. started work at 12. i felt lazy and cas too.. we were slacking by topping up stuff for the takeaway station at front for bout 1.5hours. we were chatting and laughing... i just suddenly remembered that bryan had shouted wrong 'welcome' to custs arriving at the entrance.. suppose to be 'irashaimasei', he shouted 'irashai..ramen..' i only remembered so told cas. then she laugh non-stop. and ya i shouted it out in the end and she said she was about to tell me not to shout that out but too late. wahaha.. hmmm then wah walk by to put his apron in the drawer as he wanna go washroom. after he left, i took it out from the drawer and put it on the chair. when he come back he cannot find it. then cas gave him hints before he found it.. and both of us laugh again.. when he's tying the apron, he 'tin siong' so i told cas that he had breast and pointed straight to it, she cant stop laughing. jasmine said he got A cup.. hehehe.. only till then at 1.30pm, there's customers sitted at our station. so ya we were serving cust and doing our usual stuff except that it is more relaxing.. then at bout 3, i was alone at front with less than 5tables of custs left i think. night shift: cashier with xiaoyun. 2 cashier at night - shiok. i was relaxing as there's 2 cashier so even if jam i oso not scare. i nv like to do cashier nowadays for the fear to pay for loss of money at the end of the day=( hmm i learnt how to do the report today and its so easy. as long as i do a few more times, i guess i'll get the hang of it. haha.... ching called to ask if i wanna join him for supper, but i only left sakae at bout near 11. when i called him to eat supper, he told me he was done and goin back now. i hang up the call and walk to bus stop quite disappointedly. then we happen to meet on our way to the busstop so we chatted lo. he ask me to go back to tabao home to eat but i didnt wanted to. i was lazy. then out of the sudden, he say 'y not i acc u to ur house there to eat?' i shock and stun lo. thought he already finish his supper then still don mind to go with me when he's working 9full tml. so i said ok and we went back to my house nearby kopishop to eat.. then we sat by the carpark and chatted there till bout 1 am=) that's our usual place to be when he send me home=) after tonight, our relationship is complicated.... hmmmm........